Showing by category: Guest Experts

Why you + your kids + sports = stress…and what to do about it.
I interviewed Dr. Megan Stellino yesterday, and if you have kids in sports - you want to hear this. We're talking any sport or activity. And children of any age, from 2 to 22...and beyond: this app[more]
Spa Time Living Guest Superhero: Angela Privin
Guest superhero Angela Priven of shares the importance of self-care and slowing down. ------- My life changed in many ways after I healed myself from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. [more]
Manifest Moxie, Wokie Nwabueze
Wokie shares her amazing insights and wisdom around helping women find the language to communicate what they need, what they think, and what they want. So why is it that most women are challeng[more]
Caren’s PowerWeek Wisdom
What you can do with a teeny tiny course correction to shift your habits? A whole lot - shares Caren McVicker, Founder of In this interview, Caren shares how came t[more]
REI Project Manager Shares her Wisdom!
Tam Benedetta | Project Manager, REI Tam's been in project management for over 20 years. She started at Nordstrom and has been at REI for 13 years now.   "I've gone from high heels and h[more]
Well Grounded Life – Don’t Miss this!
So I had the opportunity to interview Lisa Grace Byrne from Well Grounded Life on why self-care is SO important and wanted to share a few of the amazing takeaways from this loving, authentic and insp[more]
Juggle It All Leanne & Her Self-care Wisdom
Interview with Leanne How have you navigated today's busy world of constant connectivity?  It can definitely get crazy! I've set up systems and boundaries to stop that craziness and I stay [more]
Self-care wisdom from Mindful Parenting Coach, Natanya Lara
Yippee! More parenting love and support thanks to Natanya Lara, Mindful Parenting Coach and founder of Grow Together Parenting. You know that thing that happens, when you get triggered by your chil[more]
How Does Founder of Conscious Bookkeeping Find Balance?
Meet the lovely Bari Tessler, M.A., is a Financial Therapist, Mentor Coach and the founder of the Conscious Bookkeeping Method: Tools For Financial Transformation™  I've worked with Bari personal[more]
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