Massage Therapy

I need a massage! I’ve always done my best to get regular massages but due to budget constraints – it’s not always possible. Whenever my husband or any family member has ever asked what I’d like for a gift, my answer was always massage or spa time. (Lately my answer had just been TIME period. As in, can you please take the kids out or over night so I might possibly be able to get caught up!!)

So even with my best intentions, my “regular” massages are sometimes only once every few months. I have purchased a few packages at places like Elements for myself when I can. These have been great to be able to use when I might actually have the time but don’t have it in the budget. I think I have only one left right now, but can’t seem to get over there!

My dear late grandmother was took me for my first massage when I was about 15. I’m not sure how much I appreciated it at the time, but over the last two decades massage therapy has helped me through strength & marathon training, stress in general, and pregnancy. I was on bedrest 100+ days and in a hospital bed for 2 1/2 months with my daughter’s pregnancy. I can’t even begin to tell you about how difficult that is for a type A control freak with a 2 year old son at home wondering where mommy was……but I found someone that would come to the hospital once a week for prenatal massage therapy, which was how I started counting my weeks.

Benefits of massage

There’s no denying the power of bodywork. Regardless of the adjectives we assign to it (pampering, rejuvenating, therapeutic) or the reasons we seek it out (a luxurious treat, stress relief, pain management), massage therapy can be a powerful ally in your healthcare regimen.

Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. While eliminating anxiety and pressure altogether in this fast-paced world may be idealistic, massage can, without a doubt, help manage stress.

This translates into:
Decreased anxiety.
Enhanced sleep quality.
Greater energy.
Improved concentration.
Increased circulation.
Reduced fatigue. Furthermore, clients often report a sense of perspective and clarity after receiving a massage. The emotional balance bodywork provides can often be just as vital and valuable as the more tangible physical benefits.

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