What do you do when you’re stressed beyond belief? Escape? Run off to the spa for a week? 🙂 Step away to recharge and renew?
YES! Okay, I fully believe in disconnecting to renew and recharge but here’s why this solution can sometimes backfire
- Heading off to the spa feels AMAZING and is absolutely part of the plan BUT if your stress is coming from all the unfinished to do’s and open loops in your life – they will likely weigh on you while you’re trying to relax.
- AND those open loops are still going to be there when you get back.
- So you quickly end up back in what I refer to as The Stressing Place.
Unless you figure out how to create a system to keep your mind clear and tasks organized on a regular basis, you’ll keep going back to this Stressing Place.
So here’ my solution to keep you energized, effective and engaged when you need to step it up.
It’s what I call “Project-izing” Your Productivity and here are 3 reasons why it works.
- You’ll be clear on WHY you’re doing what your doing.
- You’ll know what your desired outcome is
- You’ll have thought through possible challenges such as time constraints and budgetary constraints.
So here’s how you can start Project-izing your Productivity Too!
1. First, you must organize all those to do’s spinning around your head. If there are multiple steps to finish what you’re trying to do, it’s a project and you can take the next 5 steps.
2. Start with the end in mind. What are you trying to do. What does a successful outcome look like? If there are multiple stakeholders/people/groups involved in the project, be clear on what a successful outcome looks like for each of these.
3. Identify the path from A to B: the optimal sequence of next steps that best ensure the project’s successful completion.
4. Identify Challenges/Constraints (Time, $, Resources, Support) and how to navigate.
5. Take Action and review status regularly.
6. Stay organized and focused – Try your best to not start too many projects or you won’t finish any!
So now – tell me: how are your organization project management skills? Do you naturally do these things or are you challenged? I’d love to hear from you!!