Eating healthy vs. using supplements

Inspiration: “Do not expect others to behave in a way you want, so you will be happy. Release yourself forevermore and know that you alone control your happiness and it is a choice, no matter what anyone else is doing.”

Healthy Eating
Yes, whole foods and balanced diets offer the best source of vitamins and minerals. But with busy schedules, picky children, and constant parenting fatigue….it’s hard to eat enough healthy foods, or the right variety of healthy foods -especially if we just end up eating all the food our kids are wasting!!

A daily dietary supplement might be the right choice to help make up for deficiencies, but also know that you can’t skip all your nutrients and hope to only get them in a pill.

And for weight loss supplements: There are plenty of great products and systems & support out there, but be cautious and remember there are no magic pills!! Weight loss is simple: burn more calories than you consume. If you want to shed pounds you’ll need to eat a healthy diet and exercise.

There are some great systems, companies, products, etc. that can help with giving you the additional support you might need.


  • Visalus sciences: a whole social network application, fitness, diet and life tools & trackers; a great multi-vitamin daily “vi-pak”; TSS (total slimming system) & more. Reference ID#378219
  • Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Food Pyramid & Article
    I still like the food pyramids (and there are several out there) but they are a basic and simple illustration to remind us where to make food choices.

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