*International Best-selling Author?!

find.full.bookI don’t know if you do this too, but whenever big milestone birthdays are on the horizon my tendency has been to focus on goals: what can I do/what have I done?

But my mindset is shifting. I believe we achieve much more by embracing and honoring the process vs. just the outcome. Mindfulness and conscious living vs. rushing and worrying.

I used to feel so disappointed with myself if I didn’t reach my “goals right on time.” But I’ve learned that shame and negativity just sap our energy and esteem and set us back even more.

My goal was to have my book completed and up on Amazon by my 40th b-day.

Considering my big day is just 46 days away, and my schedule is packed full with the kids on summer break, activities, vacations and the usual juggling act, I’m going to skip the negative self talk about “feeling behind” and celebrate the baby steps with you today : I DO HAVE A BOOK UP ON AMAZON! 🙂

It’s not my individual book but a beautiful compilation of tips, advice, inspiration, and stories from women who are teaching others through their past awakenings how to live in this new age. So honored to be a part of this AND beyond thrilled that we were the #1 best-selling new release in Canada for Self-help Spiritual Books and #2 in the USA!

As always, my mission is to support you on your journey. To help you celebrate the baby steps and clear the chaos so you can show up as your most calm, clear and centered self. I hope this book and lesson on celebrating baby steps serves your journey. Hugs! 🙂


7 Responses to *International Best-selling Author?!

  1. Shari, CONGRATS!!!! That’s awesome, not only that you reached your goal but that you’ve been so zen about it. I used to get really frustrated if I didn’t have something done by the time I *thought* I should have it done, but I have noticed that I enjoy myself a lot more if I just let go of expectations. Congrats again :o)

    • Thanks so much Mindy. So much to say about managing and releasing expectations, right?! Very freeing. 🙂

  2. I do this as well. And you’re right about the process being as important as the outcome. We can totally beat ourselves up about it if we focus only on outcomes we haven’t yet achieved! Awesome about your book!

  3. Congrats and high fives all around! Good on you for pushing through your own barriers and just do it. What an amazing achievement 🙂

  4. Congratulations, Shari from one of your co-authors! I, too, wanted to have a book published by now. I’m truly grateful to be published as a co-author! I’m also honored that our book is an international best-seller! This is a great step in our journeys.

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