
Of course all my passions for health, wellness, organizational & personal development were seriously compromised when I became a mom in 2004, with the birth of our son. From starting up a new company in early 05, to experiencing two heartbreaking miscarriages, I learned first-hand the challenges of balance and prioritizing, while trying to raise our son, attend to a new business and grieve our losses.

In May 2006, just 5 weeks after finding out I was pregnant for the 4th time…I started having complications again. After weekly (sometimes daily) scares and visits to the OB and ER, I was put on bed rest at just 15 weeks and admitted to the hospital at 23 weeks. 100days of bed rest later (serious nightmare for a control freak!), our baby girl was born 2 months early. Just when we thought we were out of the woods, our little one was diagnosed with a rare lung disease and admitted to Children’s Hospital. After a long scary journey, she outgrew her disease and I could finally let go. Breathe. Stop being so strong and holding it together for everyone…and take a bit of time for me.

This journey also forced me to process old childhood wounds of losing my mother to severe mental illness when I was just a baby.

As I struggled to rebuild me and adapt to my new realities, I knew then and there that helping others through this role/responsibility juggling journey would ultimately be my mission… and so I continue to listen, learn, grow & share – to help you along your own journey to integrate wellness AND productivity.

I’m here to shift perspectives. It’s not “either, or” but “both, and.” The key is to authentically know what it is that renews and restores you.

What makes you feel alive and energized? What enables you to be your best and bring your God-given gifts to the world?

I love helping clients to recognize, honor and incorporate these essential gifts of authentic self-care into daily life and through the power of habits and rituals – so you can prevent the overwhelm and burnout.

My coaching is by invitation only with very few spots available, but if you’d like to be considered, pop on over here to request an appointment. Or, come Join the Weekly Retreat to get your free tips & resources…and thank you for joining me on this journey!

Sending light & love,


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