Why I had to disconnect!

Yes – I admit it.


I’m in the trenches with you on the SPA Time Living  journey to integrate Self-care, Productivity and Authenticity.

I’ll never claim to have all the answers. My intention is for you to learn from my experiences + my insatiable desire to study everything I can to help us collectively create healthy, happy, whole-hearted lives and model the change we wish to see in the world.

You want to thrive…not just survive. Me too!

So how do you get back on track when you feel completely maxed out and unable to breathe?

I had to address this question last week. Like you, I’m not “perfect” at prevention – as much as I try!

The holidays, two weeks of traveling, writing and clarity sessions – along with some serious emotional family and parenting challenges…all added up.

My body, mind and spirit were out of alignment. And after noticing past patterns of self-criticism and perfection trying to resurface – I was able to press pause.

Here’s what I did and what I suggest. These 3 practices gave me space to reconnect with my energy and potential.

  • Quickly tune in and detect when I’m being pulled too far out of alignment…before it’s too late. I realized last week that my body and mind were giving signals that I needed recovery. Renewal. Rejuvenation. Rest. I was running a fever, feeling exhausted but wanting to get all caught up after being gone for 2 weeks. I had to tune in and let go.

TIP: Do daily check-ins with yourself. How are you feeling?

  • Acknowledge and honor my intuition. I’ve learned to evaluate what I need and ask for help. My challenge is to release my expectations on who should say yes and who actually does say yes when I ask for help. I’ve learned to still honor my need for support even if I hear “no” the first time. Sometimes a bit of creativity is necessary when you need help!

TIP: Ask yourself – “What do I need in this moment/today/this week to support my ability to give back and reach my goals?” How do I effectively communicate what I need, if necessary? Who can I ask for help?

  • Learn to create boundaries and quiet space to disconnect and reset: Better late than never! So I did it. Despite piles of mail and laundry, I pushed pause. I took a nap. I disconnected wherever I could. I went and got a TWO HOUR massage with credits I had available. I guzzled water with lemon. I listened to guided meditations to quiet the automatic negative thoughts that had me wondering why I couldn’t suck it up and telling me I had too much to do to be sick. And I slowly started to feel better and regain my energy.

TIP: Just Schedule YOU time. Guilt-free.  

When you have the foundation of self-care, you can show up and thrive in the areas of life you really care about – whether that’s for your family, your business, your children, your career, or all of the above.

It’s Your Turn! I’d love to hear what works for you? Are you good at tuning in ahead of time or are you completely drained before you create space?  Leave a comment below!
Sending Light & Love,

6 Responses to Why I had to disconnect!

  1. BEAUTIFUL article Shari! I practice a daily ritual as well of checking in and call it my “Soul Hour” – sometimes it is “Soul 5 Minutes” when I am in deep with my projects, but I have a reminder pop up on my phone every day so that I can at least honor that MOMENT :).

    • ooo, LOVE that you have soul hour (or soul 5 min) Sabrina! 🙂 and that you have reminders pop up! thx for sharing! xoxo

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